A few pics of a beautiful blue skied COLD day. :)
And then lil monkey. Shes officially started crawling.. well moving forward anyways. CRAZY. Shes been early in everything else, might as well be with this too. :)
Then we back up and get stuck, so our lil butt cant get up in the air to move!
Reaching for everything and pulling it down. Thankfully the things shes managed to pull havent been big... yet. Ug.
Bananas down... and avacado time! She really does like it. Screams for more. Then again I am sort of like that too.
Lil girl in a big ol seat. :)
Was so fun to spend New Years at Jeff and Jessicas! The only thing I wish.. is i would have taken more pictures!... as usual. :)
here she goes... Jess kept moving the wipes away, and she kept coming forward...
And got 'em.
Just for a few weeks im watching a lil boy (3 months) and Kenzie isnt sure what to think... I always set her down AWAY from him, and she always finds her way over to him.
Like those cute polka dot babylegs? (that my hubby thinks are reeeediculous.) Theyve saved her lil knees from getting rug burn. She sorta takes after her dad in the department of being skinny so the stuff that should fit her is too wide, and now short!.... riding up and getting those poor lil knees exposed.
We are now fighting a cold... all of us. Sleep is not seen much, and now not only is babes teething, cant breathe, she tends to get herself in the most awkward positions when she wakes up.
What in the world did we do without her?? :)
love the baby legs :) of course they never had anything cute like that when my kids were babies
So fun to see the pictures.....would like to see her in person!!
Thanks for updating, so cute!!! Love to see how she has grown. Wish we could squeeze her. There are pics there that look so much like daddy!!!
She is growing up so fast :) Not sure what we did before kids either.. definately didn't have the entertainment we do now!
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