Friday, March 18, 2011

Come on Spring!

The snow is melting.. Ive opened the windows to air out the house (its been in the 50's!) and we are MORE then ready for spring!! :)
Ive tried several times to get on here and post pictures, and it doesnt allow me after all the upload, so we will keep trying. Here is updates tho from the past... month. EEk! She is already going to be 8 months on monday! CRAZY.
These past few weeks have been challenging. Brendon, Makenzie and I have all been sick.. and still are fighting it. Kenzie is finally able to sleep back in her bed all night (still waking up several times a night coughing/nursing/stuffed up) But that too will pass. Brendon was sick first, cough, stuffy, etc... at this time I had the flu. Then I got the cough, just in time to take the trip to IL for a funeral, and have had it since! Then Kenzie got it when we got back.. and weve been to the doctor twice for her. They diagnosed her with croup and gave her steroids, and it only got worse. Went back a few days later and she was diagnosed with RSV and tested for whooping cough. I *think* its just this cold, but everything is 10x worse in a baby!
*Kenzie has mastered climbing the stairs. Does it with no help at all... and often when shes not supposed to.
*She just got 2 more teeth! Now has 6.
*Shes 18 lbs.. not sure her height but too tall for any clothes that fit her in the waist.
*Kenzie is a giggle box.. grins and chatters like crazy too. (maybe like her mama) :)
*Climbs up on everything, and walks along anything.. (dishwasher, cupboards, coffee table etc etc)
*LOVES turning on the cd player and turning it up!
*Shes super quick in crawling, and is very determined.
*Shes a big mamas girl!
We love her to pieces and she is sure to put a smile on your face! :)


Herod Happenings said...

Thanks for updating!! What a cutie!! Glad we got to see her a bit this month.

Melissa said...

Aww, adorable pictures! That last one of her stuck totally made me laugh out loud! Such a clown she is!

Neisha said...

a cute little stinker :)